The Dickerson Group


A good plan starts with a good conversation. 

Yours, Mine, and Ours: Estate Strategies for a Second Marriage

If you are one of the many Americans who are in a second marriage, you may need to revisit your estate strategy.1 Unlike a typical first marriage, second marriages often require special consideration in order to address children from a prior marriage and the disposition of assets accumulated prior to the second marriage. Second Marriages


Lower the Cost of Your Life Insurance

Here’s a little-known fact that may help you save money on life insurance: when it comes to underwriting, insurance carriers typically rate clients to their closest birthday. What does that mean? It means that if you are 39 years and 5 months old, you will be rated as a 39-year-old. If you are 39 years and


New Retirement Contribution Limits for 2023

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released new limits for certain retirement accounts for the coming year. After months of high inflation and financial uncertainty, some of these cost-of-living-based adjustments have reached near-record levels. Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) Remember, once you reach age 72, you must begin taking required minimum distributions from a Traditional IRA


Holiday Client Appreciation Event!

Our passion to protect and perpetuate prosperity for future generations is the heart of our business. The relationships we’ve built with our clientele fuels that passion! We are forever grateful for your trust, loyalty, and friendship. In honor of the “gems” of our firm, you are invited to an exclusive holiday Client Appreciation Event! Please


9 Facts About Retirement

Retirement can have many meanings. For some, it will be a time to travel and spend time with family members. For others, it will be a time to start a new business or begin a charitable endeavor. Regardless of what approach you intend to take, here are nine things about retirement that might surprise you.


Assess Life Insurance Needs

If your family relies on your income, it’s critical to consider having enough life insurance to provide for them after you pass away. But too often, life insurance is an overlooked aspect of personal finances. In fact, according to a 2021 study conducted by Life Happens and LIMRA, which closely follows life insurance trends, nearly


Conquering Retirement Challeges for Women

When it comes to retirement, women may face unique obstacles that can make saving for retirement more challenging. Given that women typically live longer than men, retirement money for women may need to stretch even further.1 Despite these challenges, a wise strategy can give women reasons to be hopeful. Get clear on your vision. Do


Know The Value of Your Biggest Asset

Business Owners: There’s No Time Like the Present How much is your business worth…? I’ll figure it out when I’m ready to retire, which is the day after never …. That is the response we get from small business owners when we ask how much their business is worth. The wealth of nearly two-thirds (70%)


Catch-Up Contributions

A recent survey found that 28% of workers are very confident about having enough money to live comfortably through their retirement years. At the same time, 27% are not confident.1 In 2001 congress passed a law that can help older workers make up for lost time. But few may understand how this generous offer can


What To Do When Your Income Reaches 7 Figures

Did you recently add a second comma to your bank balance? Has a recent financial event raised your net worth to the next level? It’s an exciting time, whether it’s the result of your long-term goals (e.g., from the sale of a business), a windfall transfer of wealth, or a key promotion. You’re probably already

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Or give us a call at (409) 234-8546.

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